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Masters de Administración y Empresas
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Masters de Marketing y Ventas
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Masters de Música
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Masters de Prevencion de Riesgos
Masters de Psicología
Masters de Recursos Humanos
Masters de Veterinaria y Salud
Masters de Seguridad
Masters de Trabajo Social
Masters de Tributación y Fiscalidad
Masters en Finanzas
Masters de Calidad

Curso Business English

Tipo de Curso: Cursos Gratis para Trabajadores  
Temática: Idiomas
Modalidad: online
Precio: consultar        
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 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: 135
 Titulación: Certificado de aprovechamiento
 Convocatoria: Abierta
    -The level of this Business English begins with the beginning…finding a job and starting out in a company. The student will learn how to write a CV and covering letter, and then study how to successfully negotiate a job interview in English. This level also looks at the characteristics of companies and the language used to talk about different parts of a company. And finally, there is practice with the very important and common task of speaking on the telephone in English.
-Learn specific basic business vocabulary related to jobs and use general grammar to successfully give personal information and write a CV.
-Use elementary expressions and acquire basic vocabulary necessary to apply for a job and successfully negotiate a job interview in English
-Give a broad outline of the company, discuss facts and figures and learn expressions to cope with the most common business situations
-Discover and learn the most frequent expressions used on the phone, spelling, short answers and questions to keep a simple phone conversation
-Deal with suppliers and customers, improve the vocabulary for descriptions and check given information
-Learn the most common business formula to write a letter, an e-mail or fax. Give information about quantities and measures
-Improve the expression of ideas to successfully communicate in a meeting, make an offer or request and express an opinion
-Gain knowledge to cope with situations out of the office, have a chat in a restaurant, talk about leisure activities and express preferences
-Acquire business vocabulary and learn specific idioms used in the process of negotiation, describe a product, discuss prices and set up sales conditions
-Know usual expressions and basic formula used in a business travel. The student will learn to ask for information, make a reservation, book a flight as well as the most common tips to take into account when travelling
-Gain a thorough knowledge for descriptions in English in order to make a successful presentation
-Discover and learn the specific vocabulary and key expressions to start out and successfully close a negotiation, state deadlines and specify conditions
-Learn economic vocabulary and expressions in order to be able to talk about the market and its changes
-Improve linguistic skills to suggest new ideas
-Broaden the vocabulary and discover the expressions related to market analysis and advertising
-Learn the main linguistic structures used in the writing of memos and acquire specific vocabulary to express your personal situation at work
-Discover and learn the main parts of a company, organization, departments and job titles
-Gain knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of merging
-Deal with expressions related to banking and finance in order to know how apply for a loan or explain prices changes
-Acquire and broaden knowledge about international logistics and trade
    1. Looking for work (Teleformación)

-Job descriptions
-Giving advice
-Job requirements
-Likes and dislikes
-Quantities, numbers and prices
-Curriculum Vitae
-Job recommendations

2. Getting the job (Teleformación)

-Covering letters
-Making appointments
-Telling the time
-Days of the week
-Job interviews
-Personal qualities, abilities and skills
-Following directions
-Starting work
-Countries and cities

3. Company Talk (Teleformación)

-Making appointments
-Describing company history, future plans and product range
-Employment contracts and benefits
-Company rules
-Telling the time
-Quarterly progress reports
-Describing graphs and charts
-Numbers, facts and figures
-Describing company performance
-Plans and intentions for the future
-Making complaints
-Office equipment
-Ordering in a restaurant

4. On the Telephone (Teleformación)

-Answering the phone
-Making a phone call
-Living excuses
-Taking messages
-Spelling names
-Polite questions
-Saying phone numbers
-Making international calls
-Talking about preferences
-Making complaints

5. Operations Develop (Teleformación)

-Operations management
-Making an appointment
-Business plans
-Giving advice
-Describing a process
-How to save money
-Clarifying information and checking understanding
-Future plans
-Talking about change
-Dealing with suppliers
-The workforce and transportation

6. Letters, Faxes and Emails (Teleformación)

-Writing a letter
-Common expressions
-Leaving a note
-Accepting an invitation
-Emails and the Internet
-Using a search engine
-Writing a fax
-Packages and parcels
-Dimensions and weight

7. Meetings (Teleformación)

-Starting and ending meetings
-Introducing people
-Offers and requests
-Explaining the background
-Setting out the options
-Agreeing and disagreeing
-Expressing opinions
-Dealing with conflict
-Expressing possibility
-Allocating tasks

8. Socialising (Teleformación)

-Making and responding to suggestions
-Ordering a meal
-Asking for details
-Expressing likes and dislikes
-Social chat
-Polite questions and answers
-Making requests
-Asking for permission

9. Sales (Teleformación)

-The ideal salesperson
-Describing personal qualities
-Getting information about a visitor
-Assigning tasks
-Describing and comparing a product
-Computer terms
-Making offers
-Closing the deal
-Talking about conditions
-Presenting a sales plan

10. Travel (Teleformación)

-Booking a ticket
-Checking in
-Talking about preferences
-Airline regulations
-Asking for travel information
-Getting around
-Means of transport
-Giving directions
-Hotel services
-Travelling by road
-Travel tips
-Describing illnesses

11. Presentations (Teleformación)

-Key elements of a good presentation
-Defining objectives
-Strategy and structure
-Introducing yourself
-Body language
-Adding emphasis
-Progress reports
-Building rapport
-Dealing with unexpected problems
-Clarifying meaning

12. Negotiations (Teleformación)

-What makes a good negotiator
-Small talk
-Talking about health problems
-The weather
-Introducing people
-Breaking the ice
-Deciding on procedure
-Stating goals and limits
-Starting a negotiation
-Being diplomatic
-Making offers and counter-offers
-Reducing distances
-Reaching an agreement
-Finalizing a deal
-Written confirmations

13. Economics (Teleformación)

-The market
-Supply and demand
-Consumer choice
-Describing economic trends
-Inflation and unemployment
-The global economy
-Talking about causes and effects
-Connecting ideas
-Drawing conclusions
-Expressing possibilities

14. Innovation (Teleformación)

-Taking notes
-Company culture
-Controlling meetings
-Success and failure
-Making suggestions
-Fractions, percentages and decimals
-Benefits of innovation
-Encouraging innovation
-Writing meeting minutes

15. Marketing (Teleformación)

-Company departments
-Marketing segmentation
-Marketing strategy
-Product development
-Market research
-Analyzing research data
-Marketing mix

16. Career (Teleformación)

-Job satisfaction
-Training and qualifications
-Giving career advice
-Asking for a raise
-Writing a memo
-Career management
-Personal characteristics
-Preparing a resumé

17. Mergers and Acquisitions (Teleformación)

-Why companies merge
-Implications of a merger
-Reporting facts
-Differences in corporate culture
-Benefits of a merger
-Analyzing strategic fit
-Product line compatibility
-Making acquaintances Greetings
-Implementing a merger strategy
-Successful and unsuccessful strategies

18. Company Organization (Teleformación)

-External and internal influences
-Business environment
-Company hierarchies
-Organization charts
-Presentation notes
-Different structures
-Job titles
-Expressing responsibility
-Corporate culture
-Management styles

19. Banking and Finance (Teleformación)

-The ways and whys of financing activities
-The stock market
-Equity financing
-The role of shareholders
-Describing changes in share prices
-Credits from banks
-Applying for a loan
-Bonds: what are they and how do they work
-Credit ratings
-Talking about future plans

20. International Trade (Teleformación)

-Global markets
-World trade patterns
-Difference between exporting and subsidiaries
-The role of multinationals
-Countries and nationalities
-Common business abbreviations and acronyms
-International transport
-Packaging, shipping and insurance
-Transport documents
-Transportation and customs

  Requisitos de acceso:
  Requisitos obligatorios:
- Estar dado de alta en la seguridad social en régimen general, régimen especial agrario o como autónomo en el momento de inicio del curso.
- Ser residente en España.
- Además la forma jurídica de la empresa debe ser:
- Sociedad Limitada Laboral
- Sociedad Anónima Laboral
- Cooperativa (excepto de Crédito)
- Sociedades Agrarias

Para hacer efectiva la matrícula para este curso, es imprescindible:
- Rellenar el formulario de Matrícula Paso 1 y 2 que verá pinchando en el botón: "Inscripción en el curso".
- Remitir fotocopia DNI y Cabecera Nómina o cupón de autónomo más reciente y fotocopia de la Tarjeta Sanitaria.

  La forma jurídica de la empresa debe ser:
- Sociedad Limitada Laboral
- Sociedad Anónima Laboral
- Cooperativa (excepto de Crédito)
- Sociedades Agrarias

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