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Curso English Advanced Block 8

Tipo de Curso: Curso 
Temática: Inglés
Modalidad: online
Precio: 95 €        
Forma de Pago y financiacion: domiciliación bancaria, tarjeta de crédito, transferencia bancaria
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 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: 23
 Titulación: emitida por el centro
    The student will learn how to describe people's personality, the differences in vocabulary between the American and the British English will also been explained as well as the differences that there are between certain verbs which have got the same translation in Spanish, but which are used in different contexts in English, as for example the case of expect, hope and wait. --TRANSLATED-- El alumno aprenderá como describir la personalidad de las personas, también se explicarán las diferencias de vocabulario que hay entre el inglés americano y británico, así como las diferencias que hay entre determinados verbos que en español tienen la misma traducción, pero que en inglés se utilizan en diferentes contextos, como por ejemplo el caso de expect, hope y wait.
    English Advanced Block 8
In block 8 how to describe people's personality will be explained, the differences in vocabulary between the American and the British English will also been explained as well as the differences that there are between certain verbs which have got the same translation in Spanish, but which are used in different contexts in English, as for example the case of expect, hope and wait. --TRANSLATED-- En el bloque 8 se explicará como describir la personalidad de las personas, también se explicarán las diferencias de vocabulario que hay entre el inglés americano y británico, así como las diferencias que hay entre determinados verbos que en español tienen la misma traducción, pero que en inglés se utilizan en diferentes contextos, como por ejemplo el caso de expect, hope y wait.
1. Amanda's plans Part 1
Functions: Expressing possibility. Making deductions. Expressing quantity. Grammar: Modal verbs: May, might, could, must, can’t. Quantifiers. Vocabulary: The weather. Women’s jobs. Expect vs. Hope vs. Wait.
2. Amanda's plans Part 2
Functions: Expressing possibility. Making deductions. Expressing quantity. Grammar: Modal verbs: May, might, could, must, can’t. Quantifiers. Vocabulary: The weather. Women’s jobs. Expect vs. Hope vs. Wait.
3. Amanda's plans Part 3
Functions: Expressing possibility. Making deductions. Expressing quantity. Grammar: Modal verbs: May, might, could, must, can’t. Quantifiers. Vocabulary: The weather. Women’s jobs. Expect vs. Hope vs. Wait.
4. Looking for a temporary job Part 1
Functions: Talking about conditions and their consequences. Expressing two possibilities. Refusing both possibilities. Grammar: First conditional. Second conditional. Reflexive pronouns. Either...or / Neither...nor. Vocabulary: Employment. The zoo. Stress-free life.
5. Looking for a temporary job Part 2
Functions: Talking about conditions and their consequences. Expressing two possibilities. Refusing both possibilities. Grammar: First conditional. Second conditional. Reflexive pronouns. Either...or / Neither...nor. Vocabulary: Employment. The zoo. Stress-free life.
6. Looking for a temporary job Part 3
Functions: Talking about conditions and their consequences. Expressing two possibilities. Refusing both possibilities. Grammar: First conditional. Second conditional. Reflexive pronouns. Either...or / Neither...nor. Vocabulary: Employment. The zoo. Stress-free life.
7. Working with animals Part 1
Functions: Narrating a sequence of actions. Giving directions. Talking about actions in progress in the recent past. Grammar: Present perfect continuous. Before, after, while, etc. Vocabulary: Public places. Entertainment.
8. Working with animals Part 2
Functions: Narrating a sequence of actions. Giving directions. Talking about actions in progress in the recent past. Grammar: Present perfect continuous. Before, after, while, etc. Vocabulary: Public places. Entertainment.
9. Working with animals Part 3
Functions: Narrating a sequence of actions. Giving directions. Talking about actions in progress in the recent past. Grammar: Present perfect continuous. Before, after, while, etc. Vocabulary: Public places. Entertainment.
10. It's a bargain! Making a complaint Part 1
Functions: Describing moods. Emphasising. Expressing past in the past. Grammar: Past perfect simple. Past perfect continuous. Adjectives with participle or gerund form. Emphatic forms: so / such. Vocabulary: Moods & personality. The Sales. Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed.
11. It's a bargain! Making a complaint Part 2
Functions: Describing moods. Emphasising. Expressing past in the past. Grammar: Past perfect simple. Past perfect continuous. Adjectives with participle or gerund form. Emphatic forms: so / such. Vocabulary: Moods & personality. The Sales. Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed.
12. It's a bargain! Making a complaint Part 3
Functions: Describing moods. Emphasising. Expressing past in the past. Grammar: Past perfect simple. Past perfect continuous. Adjectives with participle or gerund form. Emphatic forms: so / such. Vocabulary: Moods & personality. The Sales. Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed.
13. Meeting Rick Part 1
Functions: Inviting. Making offers. Accepting invitations or offers. Refusing invitations or offers. Reporting statements. Grammar: Reported statements. Infinitive vs. Gerund. Vocabulary: Personality description. American vocabulary. Adverbs of manner. Verbs of expression: explain, promise, refuse, suggest, invite, etc.
14. Meeting Rick Part 2
Functions: Inviting. Making offers. Accepting invitations or offers. Refusing invitations or offers. Reporting statements. Grammar: Reported statements. Infinitive vs. Gerund. Vocabulary: Personality description. American vocabulary. Adverbs of manner. Verbs of expression: explain, promise, refuse, suggest, invite, etc.
15. Meeting Rick Part 3
Functions: Inviting. Making offers. Accepting invitations or offers. Refusing invitations or offers. Reporting statements. Grammar: Reported statements. Infinitive vs. Gerund. Vocabulary: Personality description. American vocabulary. Adverbs of manner. Verbs of expression: explain, promise, refuse, suggest, invite, etc.
16. You are only young once, Mum!! Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
17. You are only young once, Mum!! Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
18. You are only young once, Mum!! Part 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

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